The delivery time for this item is 4 to 6 weeks as these are produced on demand and shipped on a first come first served basis. Delivery to your door and tracking is provided after 3 weeks of placing your order. Contact customer support if you have any specific queries on this product.
100% precise fit for your Model Y. The exact fit is derived from advanced 3D laser-guided depth and size scanners.
Genuine carbon fiber - Real 3k 2x2 weave carbon fiber spoiler that is precision-engineered to fit Model Y trunk.
Gloss, Matte & Forged Options - Choose the finish you need and we will create it to your specification.
Unique look - Gives your Tesla Model Y a completely unique sporty look making you the envy of other Model Y or non-Tesla owners
Precise fit - Manufactured with real-world tolerances for a snug fit
The highest quality carbon fiber moulding process has been used to craft this spoiler.
The detail and craftsmanship are on par with OEM spoilers in the industry.
This spoiler fits all LHD and RHD Model Y trim options including:
Real hand-forged carbon fiber
Comes pre-installed with double-sided tape for easy self-installation.
For ultimate quality and an overall superior aesthetic, the CMST Genuine Carbon Fiber Rear Spoiler Model Y V2 2017-2024 is your ultimate choice. SECURE YOURS NOW!
This item is shipped directly from NY
All efforts are made to ensure your item gets to you in perfect condition and ready for installation.
No quibble 30-day refund or replacement from the day of delivery if the item is damaged or not fit for purpose.
Placement on Vehicle: Rear trunk top
Material Type: CARBON FIBER
Item Type: Spoilers
Fitment: MODEL Y